You can walk there from here

Remarking on the freshness of garbage with each and every person that he meets.

'Scuse me?

Oh, sorry, just thinking out loud. It's a lyric from a Spirit song. You ever feel like life seems to be one big round and round?

Sometimes. Who are you?

I dunno, but you can call me Bottle. 

What do you mean you don't know? 

I mean i don't know. No idea who i am. Well, no idea who i am to me, i am whomever you think i am.

That's cryptic, mister.

No, mister waters the plants mid morning, i just hold things in my brain until it's time to pour them out.

Strange. Where are you headed?

Above my shoulders. Well, that's certainly a face on your face, uh, oh yeah, nowhere. I just wanted to sit for a while. Stew in my own juices sort of thing.

Oh, i thought you were waiting for a bus like me.

I assure you, the thought of comparing you to a bus never crossed my mind. Oh, oh, gotcha, no i find that wherever it is you can walk there from here. Sorry, i have a habit of thinking funny. Words mean too many things, so i often pick the wrong ones, the meanings that is. It takes me a while to figure out how to combine all the numbers, so it's best to just wait until it's obvious what to say, in my experience.

You live here?

No, i live way out in the fields. It's quite lovely.

Well, this is my bus. Nice talking to you Bottle. Uh oh, it's starting to rain, sure you don't want a ride? I'll pay if you need it.

No, no, i'm good. A little rain never hurt, and it always eventually stops in my experience. Plus, somebody has to hold down the sidewalk or it will float away. Enjoy your day.

Now, which direction was i headed? Oh well, when in doubt, walk forward and turn left at some point.


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