Once More 'Round the Sun

3 o'clock is probably too early for my official new year's post, but i am a curmudgeon so sorry, not sorry [winky face].

Alright Mastodon, usher in this next trip 'round the sun. 

Some truly amazing things happened in 2021. First, we'll get me out of the way. I published 3 books this year, and many of you have physical copies of them. That's just a thing i decided to do back in 2020 and i made it happen so you could see the whole thing take place. I also massively expanded my record collection, bought an electric piano and made an EP with it, and had wonderful conversations with old and new friends who i can't physically go hang out with in the real world. 

Speaking of friends, my friends made tons of new music this year. Dave published Architectronics, Steven put out tons of new music as Noonish Moon and started a really funny Tiktok series, i met Gerard because i randomly heard his songs and interview with Josh on the radio, Kris is out there busier than ever entertaining the masses. I'm willing to bet each and every one of you did something equally amazing just because you felt like it, and that's what's truly amazing! I want 2022 to be more of that. 

I'm gonna finish this 4th book. You're gonna keep doing you and I'm gonna keep cheering you on because you don't have to take away anyone else's success to have some of your own, all you have to do is go do it. 

There's your pep talk from your favorite old anti-motivational speaker. Even though i hate the chorus from Aunt Lisa, it's our anthem for the new year: 

"...I don't see the fearsome fright, all i see is beauty shine... hey ho, let's fucking go, hey ho, let's get up and rock and roll." 

As always, cheers!


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