Primus - Conspiranoid
I didn't review it at the time, and i honestly can't remember why, but i totally have a copy of Primus's Conspiranoid, and tonight's as good as any other night to give it a spin. Would you believe me if i said it's because i was waiting for a good context, and that hilarious story about Les Claypool auditioning for Metallica (72 Seasons being last night's album) certainly overqualifies? I wouldn't, i'm a totally unreliable narrator (it's 100% true, and now i guarantee you have no clue what to believe anymore). Bring on the insanity. Hold on, gotta find it in this unalphabetized mess. At least i know it's somewhere on the top shelf... ...there we go. Hmmm, unopened, if i know me it's almost certainly a nasty little gremlin whispering "this will be worth a lot of money in a few years." Sometimes i make me wanna puke. Puke i did, guess we'll just hear it while watching someone else's copy spin on their table. It's only...