Arch/Mattheos - Winter Ethereal
Oh wow, i was not expecting Winter Ethereal by Arch/Mattheos to be anything in particular, but Vermillion Moons pummeled my eardrums like Dio wandered through the wrong door in B-Space and ended up at a Queensrych gig instead of his own. I guess it shouldn't be surprising, it's John Arch and Jim Matheos and the rest of the current Fates Warning lineup, and therefore basically an incestuous Fates Warning album without all the corporate/emotional baggage of an actual Fates Warning album. But, and i can't stress this enough, it's 2019 not 1985, so aesthetically speaking it sounds really freakin' good as opposed to being recorded in an Airstream Travel Trailer. That's not really a fair comparison, but it really does take some brain reformatting to jump around among the various generations of recording equipment. If you're accustomed to now music, old stuff sounds like the reverb chamber was an empty green bean can, but once you get back into that sonic world ne...