Prism - See Forever Eyes

Hello, Prism. It's good to see you again. Last time you're song was used to wake up some astronauts. What you got this time? Whole lotta synth, apparently.

This album was pretty much mediocred by everyone, but i don't really understand why. Maybe i'm not as discerning as some, but this sounds like good Canadian 70s hard rock. Some great guitar solos and occasional horn sections and synth noise everywhere like nobody could find the mop. I mean if you're just completely over keyboards and "space sounds," and you don't like being reminded of Styx or Europe (not subtle either, like there's an 8 year statute of limitations on stealing Canadian rock riffs or something) then hate on it, i guess. I don't think it's too far fetched to wonder if the "Final Countdown" was nothing more than rewriting "Crime Wave."

Crime Wave is a great song, but everybody's like "pfffft, filler, next." Man, i can't name 'em all in the short time span of writing these reviews, but everybody and their mom's dog stole their famous riffs and songs from this album. Maybe prism was copying everybody else, but everything i have looked up is definitely AFTER '77/'78 when they were writing this album. Or, maybe it was just something in the water; from what i've read it seems like a lot of this stuff came from studio jams, so rip off the obscure awesome Canadian guys seems pretty plausible.

"Test tube babies pay the price," there's the weirdness i remember from their first album, like they were just right at the edge of being a full on scifi band, but didn't actually know they were allowed to do that.

Maybe you guys have a different perspective, but this isn't mediocre at all. I won't disagree that there's room for improvement lyrically, but this doesn't sound like underachieving at all. It's not quite prog, not quite glam; maybe that's why nobody cares much. I care. It's good. Go check it out.



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