The Best of Eric Burdon and The Animals, Vol. II

I'm feeling saucy today. What's the second best collection of songs by Eric Burdon and The Animals sound like?

Oooh, it's their psych rock stuff. Growly tubulous bass lines, nasty reverby cheesegrater guitars, noisy noises, and like 80-proof Eric Burdon (not the full strength ethonol, but more than enough punch to get the job done). It's a great collection actually, and i think Tom "Adamantium Testicles" Wilson is all the explanation we need for that. He knew what he liked, and he was rarely wrong.

Plus, it actually sounds good. It's really dark and cavernous like early Iron Butterfly, and very snare and bass heavy, but that's totally alright in my book. I don't think it's possible to listen to it without closing your eyes and bobbing your head everywhere. It's like some deep reptilian instinct takes over and you just can't feel mopey or bored. 

There aren't any hills or valleys to this collection, the intensity is consistent from start to finish, and you'd have to be a serious weirdo to say "aw man, i hate that one" and reach over to skip it. This is just about as good as trippy tunnel vision 60s rock and roll can be. I have an extra copy, by the way, if you're willing to part with 3 times what it's worth to ship it to you....


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