The Empire Wakes Back Up

Skip! Wake up!


Wake up!

You can't put candles there it's a fire hazzamfff.


I'm awake, i'm awake. What?

We're gonna do it.

Do what? [Yawn] I was having such a nice dream.

The book, man! The book.

What book?

A year in the life. We're gonna make it real. But, that means you've got some real work to do. You left a lot of things uncapitalized, and there's factual errors, and stuff.

That sounds like work.

Of course it is. You gotta edit it. Comply's gotta compile the cibliography. Sandra's gotta colorform it a cover with basic geometric shapes, and maybe a clip art bus and a portrait of GREGORY or something.

Why don't you just do it? I liked sleeping, i could do that for eternity.

'Cause i gotta go wake them up, and send a carrier pigeon to find Bridbrad, and write tonight's album review.

Hhhhh. Fine. Is there another computer lying around here? The one i was using melted after after i listened to Music That Sucks a second time.

Yeah, sure, there's loads of 'em everywhere. Lucky it didn't 'splode if you ask me. Was it any better the second time around?

No. It's still absolutely atrocious, but i wanted to give that looking at it from all directions thing you do a try, and i think i at least get why it makes you giggle so much.

Birth comes to us all, my friend. Now get to work making me suck less and/or more. Chop, chop.

What would Sandra do if she heard you say that?

Kick me in the balls. You're not Sandra, you're The Editor. Edit.

Jeez, you sound serious, like you stole plutonium from some Libyans or something.

Ha! Sure, if the money the government gave me to spend is plutonium. Waaaaaaiiiiit. That counts as a joke down here.  Did i miss something? What's your actual name, Skip?

Marvin Gardens.

Double Ha! No wonder i titled the second book that way. 

What are you talking about?

Who died and made Skip the editor? The Clown Died in Marvin Gardens. We Missy Elliot everything down here. You're growing a sense of humor. I just hope Bridbrad can convince enough people to buy the first one to pay for the second one. Nevermind, fraggle rock that.


It's a worry for another day.

Oh, i get it. Okay, i'll get started, but it might take a while to spaceballs the whole thing.

Mwa! Combing the desert. That was beautiful and insulting at the same time. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have an empire to exploit.


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