Conclusion: David Bowie

So in the spirit of Spirit revolving and weaving itself through the whole tapestry of the first book, hello David Bowie's first album. All those little lonely people trying to navigate a big scary complicated uncaring world of other people's realities. 

It's a favorite saying that the poor can't become wealthy by taking away the wealth of the wealthy, but it's also a favorite saying that you can't make money by dividing money, and everyone should have to work for their wealth. I can't hold all that cognitive dissonance in my head for very long without screaming at people that they are thinking like morons. I showed you exactly why that's the mirror image of tangible reality with my own real life money, and i went into great detail about the difficulty of actually keeping track of which function corresponds to which agent, and how sloppy thinking creeps in at every possible moment. Each one of those statements is perfectly logical thinking in isolation, but they do not combine the way you think they combine, and they collapse the actual structure by confusing which pronouns attach to which agent/function. 

For example, $50 and $5 a month for 10 months appear equivalent if we are outside the system looking in, but they have vastly different potential meanings and consequences inside the system as it operates. Our available choices, feelings, and actions might be drastically different if we choose one or the other, and it is impossible to state that they are truly equivalent without actually participating in the consequences of that choice AND realizing that neither choice is inherently right or wrong, good or bad until we connect them to their actual consequences. We try to predict the consequences of each choice, but ultimately choose the one we think is more logically valuable. However, if the logic behind the options of a choice is faulty or arbitrary, then the situation itself is absurd. If i offered you the choice of A) cow, B) grapes, or C) vacuum cleaner without any context or indication of structural consequence, you would rightfully think that's insane. That's how those 3 statements above appear to me; each idiom exists in an unrelated context to the other two, and they contradict each other when conflated into the same structural level. Paul didn't do jack for his $50, but Bottle worked his ass off for 12 cents, then Paul divided his money equally and everyone profited.

The good news for my facebook friends reading this is that i've seen multiple people share similar statements recently, and i can honestly say i have no idea who did or didn't. A while ago i told you all that i intentionally don't look at the avatars, so i have no idea if any particular person did or not. I don't even try to guess. But, it is a thing i saw, it affects the way i think, and it ends up infiltrating my writing. My posts do the same to you, and i assume quite a lot of people have unfollowed me by now. I'm fine with that, but i do wish more people were willing to tough it out and search for some value in it, the way i search for some value in all these records whether i like them or not. I wish more people could openly separate their thoughts from their actions, and pick apart all the gremlins they find. Some days it's not fun for me at all, but i want you to see what it looks like while i do it. I tried things the other way around for 20 something years and it shattered me over and over again. I have no room in my head for sloppy thoughts so i eat the available protien, throw in whatever fruit is in season, and vacuum all the garbage out of my brain as often as necessary, whether i want to or not. See, even those arbirary things turned out useful. I feel better, and i hope you got something out of it too. I chose to listen to the stereo version of David Bowie this time, but this repressing gives me the option of mono or stereo each time. I like that. Mrs. Bottle doesn't like his first album, and gave me the stink face when i told her i bought it. Just to give you that perspective. Happy next week adventure, i'll see you tomorrow in some form of something. Toodles.



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