Two, Two, Two for the price of two

 Slight alterations have been made to the cover of the first book. I like it.


"What was that, Bottle?"

"What was what?"

Well, i wasn't exactly prepared for golf course on a spaceship, but it's hard to argue that's not exactly what i'm going to publish (shrug). Yay team.


"That! That sound that sounds like a bug zapper. What did you do?"

"No idea what you're talking about, Sandra. Maybe you're just hearing the Auditors crash against the impenetrable forcefield that surrounds the imaginary version of reality."

Bottle and Sandra locked eyes. Slowly, Sandra's right eyebrow raised to half mast, defcon 2, the thinking woman's dilemma. She probed at her bottom lip, then smacked around a bit as though she was tasting the smell of an idea.

Bottle, seemingly nonplussed, scratched lightly at the upper ridge of his ear and squinted as though he was looking off into the distant horizon, contemplating probable bifurcations in the stream of plausible futures.

With a quick crinkle of her nose, Sandra continued "why did you do that? You knew those were roughage for giraffes. You gave me a week, so i thought we would collaborate. You know full well my symbology isn't completely codified."

"My finger slipped."

"Your finger slipped? Your finger just happened to slip and crash through 5 confirmation menus  and a 3-digit CVV verification? Finger just happened to have a moment of clumsy and slip a second time though all that as well?"

"Honest mistake, Sandra. I got excited and we all know i tend to take a bigger swig than advisable."

"Head or gut?"


"Head or gut, Bottle?"

"Oh, we're doing Bruce Willis movies? Ok, i'll see your Last Boyscout and raise you an I am a meat pop..."

Bottle didn't get to finish his sentence because Sandra's tarsals t-boned both his boyscouts, and he fell to the ground with an unintelligible wimper.

When he finally regained the majority of what consciousness was available, Sandra extended a hand and helped raise his back up into his chair.

"I deserved that. Still, i only pulled the trigger because i liked them. I promise you'll get more say in the 3rd installment, as long as the color scheme is mostly greenish-blue. Anyway, i wasn't avoiding the choice, i was gonna choose gut."

"I know, it's just that the structure of it reminded me of Mr. Bungle, so i took the liberty of properly retaliating."

"Fair enough. Maybe we'll skip the album review tonight, and take the boys out for ice cream instead. We good?"

"We're good. Thank you for liking the covers i made. And thank you for sticking the fork in the toaster."

"I do what i can. The proofs should be viewable Tuesday and then we can have a proper going away party. Well, at least until i think of the larger plot for the 3rd book. Can't seem to concentrate right this the moment...."

And so, from me Bridbrad, and all of us at Bottle of Beef, mark your calendars. June is now officially Hastle a Corporate Bookseller Month. Bottle's a little busy tending to the twins, so i'll do the honors: Cheers.


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