
Awww yeah, it's time for the last album of the weekend. But before we start, i think i should remind everyone of how these stories subconsciously build themselves. I was flailing around for things to listen to, but getting nowhere. I couldn't take it any more so i went record shopping and picked 5 completely random records based on guessing what they would be without looking them up. We started this run by mentioning that my wife was watching the entire run of Psych, and now i guess we're going to do a surprise tornado headed right for us. Pardon my nonchalance, it's a bizarre side effect of the borderline personality that just like ADHD means i'm a freakin' cucumber in an actual crisis, now the exciting conclusion to our tale. 

B: last record, who's got a guess on Lightning? Impressive deadpans, everybody. Nothing? Compy? 

C: um, no, actually. I mean, yes they existed, i know where they are from, and who's in the band, but i'm 3 pages of search results deep and i've got basically nothing. This is obscure from obscurity's standpoint. More obscure than Good Rats, even. 

B: ooh, ooh, i've been trying to find an excuse to do my Montgomery Burns impression: *excellent.* Skip, give it a go. 

E: oh geez, uh, i mean yeah it's a cartoon-like drawing like CSNY's So Far, but it's got space stuff and a highway. Ug, i don't know, like weird Folk ala The Incredible String Band. 

B: i'm not gonna say you're dead wrong, but no, so what else have we got? Sandra?

S: shut up, Bottle. I mean, i dunno, just tell us what you thought it was. 

B: well, i was looking at it, and i was like it's some form of rock. I don't know when, or what, but it's definitely rock. Then i was like, how does obscurity work for me? I remember Sagittarius and how i was all pumped up until it turned out to be a Gary Usher tragedy. This doesn't feel like that. Then i remembered how crazy it was that I picked up Donna Summer's The Wanderer, but it turned out that it was full on synthpop, Geffen's very first album in 1980, and learned that she started out as the singer of a Psych Rock band called Crow. Then i looked at the back and saw a track dedicated to Hendrix, Joplin, and Jones, and i was like i'd bet money this is some form of Psychedelic Rock from a place that isn't anywhere near Randy's California. Then i was super confused because this is an honest to goodness Pickwick album with people's actual names on it. That's the most bizarre thing i can think of, so i'm going with Psych Rock. I picture this right along side my Spirit albums and the Doors and Vanilla Fudge, and Iron Butterfly, and Beacon Street Union. I'm not saying i'm right, and i'm not saying it'll be good, but that's the honest thought behind actually choosing to buy it. Yay, tornado missed us, let's all find out together. 

I usually don't share youtube links, but this one was so hard to find i almost dubbed it myself. I did eventually find the full album, but only by my own super secret search bar methods, so here you go: 

Bless its pointed little head, am i good or what? 

S: how do you do that? 

B: i honestly don't know, and it definitely doesn't work all the time, but imposter syndrome or no, i'm occasionally that good. Am i 5 for 5 Compy? 

C: FM was a little fudgy, but yeah you got all 5 in the ballpark. We also need to credit Skip with the distinctive Neil Young influence hiding in here. I'd swear you cheated, but the whole point of Psych was the dramatic irony of the situation, so it's even more impressive that it took almost two weeks to write itself. You really didn't cheat at all? 

B: scout's honor, if i'm lyin' i'm dyin'. It's lightning outside right now, and we're listening to Lightning. Enjoy.


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