Bottle's unexpected adventure time

And i said to myself "self, we listened to Alice's Restaurant like the princess commands, and thanked our friends for not being mindless robots, wouldn't it be fun to have some discomfort chewing and reach in to feel that half of my top back molar is missing and schedule an appointment to probably end up having it extracted saturday morning?" 

I replied "goodness me, that sounds delightful, make it so."


Wisdom tooth gone, i wasn't even in the building for a full hour.


Bottle: Gnn nuush. Bonnuln bagn. 

Compy: what? 

Bottle: Oh, sorry, forgot about the cotton balls. I'm back. 

Editor: How was Minion City? 

Bottle: It's still there, haven't been there in nearly 3 years, so lots of new stuff i'm not interested in. Old stuff is still where i left it, so that's nice. Interesting batch of records to torture you guys with. 

Sandra: Joy. How do you feel? 

Bottle: For a while there i was comfortably numb, but now i mostly feel like Steve Martin ripped a tooth out of my head with a freshly sanitized pair of vice grips. I'll have a Sportsman's Cocktail if you please. 

Compy: Not familiar with that one, did you make it up? 

Bottle: Yes indeed, it's 2 parts ibuprofen, one part acetaminophen. Better make it a double. Administer every 6 hours. Better, not to mention cheaper, than opioids. Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go sit in a chair and wait for the right side of my face to stop hurting. Gonna let the self-titled debut from Odyssey do whatever it does. 



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