Billie Eilish
Speaking of electro-pop and only trying to impress yourself, here's Billie Eilish and her brother Ferb. Oops, sorry, Finneas, her brother Finneas. This album plays by a different set of rules: 1) Don't Smile At Me, and conversely don't tell me i look prettier when i smile, it's condescending. 2) this is a bedroom EP, so the only valid question is if they did a good job or not. 3) what happens when they make the switch to major label LPs? We can't answer that question unless we listen to 'em, so i bought 'em and we'll do that next. First though, hey Compy, what did i say about Ms. Bad Guy? Oh, crud, right, i used up all the brain power trying to collapse the Left/Right, he said/she said into a single bottle and all the minion cells went kapoof. Fine, i guess i'll do it myself. "Musical Xanax ... I like Lorde and Eilish, but you have to admit they are $500 worth of amphetamines away from exciting." Wowzers, that's harsh. I like them, t...