The Cure - Pornography

Next up, Pornography! No not actual pornography, The Cure's 4th album entitled Pornography. Yes, yes, i'll wait while you put your trenchcoats back on and embarassedly shuffle back out...quickly now...Ok, let's get down to what we came for. 

After Pornography The Cure began shifting to a much more radio friendly Pop sound. Not a bad thing at all, i'm often in love on Fridays, it merely marks the shift from "early" to "mainstream" in my mind. Something about their first 4 albums still feels and sounds "underground," and i personally like that very much. 

"Oppressively dispirited." Only consistent member Robert Smith said he was a fairly monsterously depressed person at the time, and Bassist Simon Gallup summed up their nihilistic ethos as it doesn't really matter if we all die. By and large they all grew out of it. 

Coming off the dreamlike introverted atmosheric mopery of listening to Seventeen Seconds last night, the opener One Hundred Years is a real aggressive smack across the face (possibly kick to the groinal region). It's caustic and snarly. 

I have a general rule of thumb, if critics at the time hated it then i will probably love it. Not always true, but close enough for cornhole and nucular warfare (that's horseshoes and hand grenades in adopted Iowa Bottle-speak). Funny aside, today was one of those days where i actually had to remind everyone that i have completely different political views and i am under no obligation to be nice about it, i choose to be moderate so i don't hurt their fragile trumpublican feelings with my hardcore leftist compassion for actual human beings. It's sad but true, i can be friends with all sorts of humans i disagree with, they can't and it's sad). 

But back to being irate about how miserable everything is. Polydor didn't like the title because it might be offensive, but that's the title and it's supposed to be offensive. No properly thinking individual is going to look at the title of The Cure's 4th album and think it's straightforwardly labeled like the ingredients of store bought sausage. My public education taught me how metaphors work, don't know where you were that day but i'm just gonna assume it was some kind of sports game. 

Don't mind me too much, i'm just trying to capture the essence of the music in the review of listening to it. This album is pretty defiant and unapologetic about telling you where to stick it. I think what people forget is that just because you WILL grow out of it, doesn't mean it's any less real while you're going through it. People who know better just quietly know better, people who don't know better tell you you're prettier when you smile and demand you Tanya Harding your own kneecaps like a real 'murican. 

Long story short, if you're offended by my insulting the Republican Party, then you really need to evaluate if you actually have a functionally autonomous sense of self that can withstand any criticism thrown at it, or whether you've been told how to feel and don't have the emotional or intellectual maturity necessary to qualify as a functional adult. Case in point, are you upset that you can't turn on FOX News and hear Tucker Carleson tell you what to think about all the bad people who don't share your exact ideological beliefs? I totally don't care no matter how many sponsored articles i scroll past looking for people saying actual interesting things. 

Isn't it somebody's job to keep me on track here? Oh, that's my own job? Oh ok, snappy snap snap, the cure that gets us back to The Cure. If you only know a few of their more radio friendly hit songs, i think you'll be pleasently surprised by how not friendly Pornography is. Plus i have a brand new unopened copy i'll sell you for 35.18. Go ahead, ask me how. Unlike Seventeen Seconds, this one has printed lyrics! 

Please don't feel like you're obligated to buy records from me, but if you are a fan of records like i am at least consider indulging my quest to be a record store instead of having to listen to hourly wage workers complain about everything then vote for twice as much more of it. I'm a real person sharing my actual love of all kinds of music with you, not a corporate drone hawking whatever the latest fad might be. That is all, tomorrow we dive into even more murky waters, if you can believe it. I'm Bottle, of course you can...

... one crazy thing to end on. Seeing as we just congratulated Ed Sheeran on not believably plagiarizing a Marvin Gaye song, doesn't the vocal melody of Rammstein's Amour Amour sound remarkably like the guitar melody from Siamese Twins?


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