Linda Ronstadt - Mad Love

You know who else made a New Wave album in 1980? Linda Ronstadt.

I feel very conflicted about reviewing this album. First, i know i heard a lot of her growing up, but i only remember Different Drum. Second, i've got a lot of Linda Ronstadt records (not even half her discography, but closer to ten than two), but i don't want to listen to all of them just to throw a few fast balls by you at the moment. Third, this was her umpteenth platinum and/or Grammy winning album, so my opinion is worth even less than the normal nothing. Fourth, i don't do the like it 'cause she's cute kind of listening so i might hate it even if the tomatoes and beer bottles start flying at my head.

I do know that this was a try something different 'cause the last one didn't do much album, and nothing before or after resembled it at all. I also know that the only tracks anyone cared about were the Elvis Costello covers. But, there's no crying in whiffle ball, so batter and bottoms up.

Great news, i don't hate it. Bad news, this isn't in any way New Wave. It's New Wave aware, but it's really just a variety-rock album. Worse news, i do at some point have to listen to all of them, because it's not really a trendy cry for attention either. My first listen, i'm getting an experimental vibe for sure. The country is still there (i'm well aware of her connection to Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris), along with the mishmash of new wave/hair metal guitar work.  This isn't punk, but every so often she gets the inflection just right and you can totally hear how it could have been punk if she didn't rein it back in right away. There's a little bit of Pat Benatar bite in there too, but not at all in a copycat way. Again, it comes across as an experiment, but it's certainly not awkward or cheesy like you might anticipate.

I reserve judgement. I really will have to do some more research to formulate an actual opinion. I suspect she really is in a league of her own, and i'll have to figure out where they hold spring training before i start filling out my tip sheets.



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