Everybody brought their helmets? Ok, here's the dooziest of doozies in my album collection: I can't count all the times i haven't reviewed System Of A Down's Mezmerize/Hypnotize. At least once in every major story arc, but probably more than that. How do you review it? How, Skip, how? It's worse than Year of the Black Rainbow or Automata. They hate LA, they hate war, they hate right-wing 'Merica, they hate the genocide of their people, and rightfully so on all those counts. On the other hand, they are like one of the biggest illusion bands ever. I don't mean they are fake or worthy of derision, i just mean that their decade and a half of inactivity is purely about money and "creative differences." They still play big shows, they all want to make more music, just not each others' music, and they can't agree on how to pay each other. That all sounds suspiciously like they aren't actually friends anymore, more like childish grown ups kni...