Starlight Mints - The Dream That Stuff Was Made Of

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this important bulletin:

CF: do, you, you, uh, you remember that scene in Bartman, i mean Batman Returns when, uh, when you're dead and the cats start eating your face off?

MP: yeees?

CF: that was awesome.

Now replace Michelle Pfeifer with Elmer Fudd and the cats with Chase from Paw Patrol. Decidedly less awesome. I thought we were finally done with Billy Madison, but nope. I paraphrase:

What everyone just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent bickering were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points (the points don't matter anyway), and may God have mercy on your souls.

Watching the world argue about Fox News tasting great, but Twitter being less filling is a terrible show to air at Thursday prime time. I religiously watch only UHF. Again, Michael Richards had his run in with people finding out he was a douchebag, but i wanted to find the marble in the oatmeal and drink from the fire hose. I want to teach poodles how to fly. I don't need no stinking badgers. Red snapper IS very tasty.

I like Starlight Mints because, like Chris Cornell said, it doesn't remind me of anything. No one's coming for your guns, because in real life people just kill each other. No Pulp Fiction monologue before hand, no blanks and ketchup packets, just dead people. Ask Brandon Lee. Stop romanticizing, or should i say fetishizing it. I'm trying to count to twelve like an adult.

I'm lying, Allen Vest has some of the best words, in the best order, that make me think of everything, and all 4 of their albums are so indescribably soothing that i'll just invite you along for the ride. See you tomorrow, nonsense 'merica the tv miniseries.



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