Tool - Aenema

*albums in response to the death of George Floyd*

This town needs an Aenema!

LA. It's a hole, it's the land of competition, it's too big for its britches. It's also the epitome of everything we love or hate, it's that nagging bad idea that we're all raging against. The problem is that there isn't a word for it. We can't name it, it's too big to conceptualize so we pick at the edges and try to dig a hole through 6-foot stone walls with a grapefruit spoon. I can name it. I've said it so many ways, i've held it up, i've dissected it, i've picked at it and laid it's nervous system out for everyone to cringe and gasp and photograph.


It makes me gag.

Trump is nothing more than another minuscule little blip in the annals of a bad idea. He's not even good at it. In fact, he might be the least successful proponent of manufactured competition even produced. It might be the fundamental schism of human consciousness, the original absurdity. As grotesque or uncomfortable as you might find the imagery on any of their albums, that's how i feel about the concept of winning, and the merciless lengths we will go to to achieve it. So i say, i'm not even playing.

Tool, is a tool. Maynard told me so. Use it for whatever purpose you need to use it. So, i have. Thanks, Maynard! No winners, no losers, shit happens. The less of it i or anyone else has to step in the better. I'd rather wake up and smell the coffee. I want to go home, but it's 2 outs, men on 1st and 3rd, suicide squeeze, guess i'll have to either plow the catcher down or weasel my way around the tag, assuming the ump gets the call right. I thought little league was supposed to be fun, but there's bleachers upon bleachers of screaming people, like a 12 year old is supposed to carry the weight of the whole observable universe while running on slippery dirt. Man, i'm just a kid.... sorry for being such a party pooper.



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