Dethklok - The Dethalbum
So you know how two days ago we did Kill 'Em All and i brought back the "where's my apocalypse" joke? Well, here's the text I sent Mrs. Bottle today: They palletized, banded, corner protected, and shrink wrapped a 1lb box with 3 check valves that were backordered from a stock order we haven't actually received yet, and sent it to us on a semi. I give up. I just give up. Bloodrocute me. I'd rather be murmaidered. I would seriously prefer devolving back into sea creatures than deal with this for the rest of eternity. Forget pumping gas into trash bags, we're like Vikings who forgot our map, started to lose hope that we'd ever find the war we were heading out to fight, but are still too proud to take the map and directions that nice witch in the woods offered to give us. Dethklok it is. The first Dethalbum. This first album is just Brendan Small, Gene Hoglan, and Emilie Autumn. Before Metalocalypse, Brenden Small created the cartoon Home Movies (o...