Cage The Elephant
Wanna know a secret? My wife doesn't like the album reviews where i talk to my imaginary friends. She thinks they make me sound like a crazy person. Joke's on her, i am a crazy person. Not quite a year ago i said that the obnoxiousness of Cage The Elephant's Thank You Happy Birthday was the best part. Great news, it still is. I still don't like their first, or any of their subsequent albums, but this one is wonderful. Matt just trails off into mindless screaming on half the songs, and that's exactly what it's like walking around my head all night. In between all the ads for used pinball machines, hypocritical hate mongering masquerading as humor, and whatever it is National Geographic thinks it's doing recently, lies my obnoxious nightly brick wall of text, and i like to think that ignoring it brings a little comfort to each and every one of you. I'm am of course being facetious. Bottle isn't necessarily supposed to be a likable character. He's ...